MGI Power Services

With leadership and representation on several National Fire Protection Association’s Technical Committees (NFPA 110, NFPA 111, and Electrical Section of NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code) and service as a primary emergency power consultant to the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and the Department of Defense, MGI is a trusted resource for emergency power supply system information and services for some of the nation’s leading healthcare organizations. Sign up for compliance updates to help you prepare for changes that could impact your EPSS.

EPSS All-Hazards Risk Assessments

Build confidence that your current emergency power supply system (EPSS) will operate when disaster strikes.

MGI’s All Hazards Risk Assessments (AHRA) and identification of potential single points of failure eliminate doubt.

  • We review all protocols for operations compliance to NFPA, CMS, and all other applicable standards and codes including the Final Rule (42 CFR 482.15)
  • We issue a preliminary report identifying needed protocol modifications, corrective actions, equipment replacement, commissioning, and decommissioning with estimated budgets.
  • We review the report with all stakeholders.

EPSS Decommissioning Services

Conserving Your Investment

Motor and Generator Institute (MGI) has helped clients find new owners for over 250MW of decommissioned generators and switchgear since 2001. We’ve found that selling EPSS equipment while it is still in use garners a premium price (as much as double), reassuring potential buyers of its working condition. Therefore, we typically recommend advertising equipment for sale before removal.

Brokering on your behalf, we obtain a written offer and signed contract, unburdening sellers from difficult haggling and uncomfortable conversations with equipment dealers. Thinking about decommissioning your EPSS equipment?  Let’s start a conversation.

Certified Healthcare Emergency Power Professional

Educating healthcare personnel Since 1997

For personnel involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, and compliance of an EPSS, our CHEPP Certification Program is the only online video training program that covers all current NFPA, manufacturer, and AHJ requirements, plus detailed inspection and testing procedures.

Since 1997, 10,000+personnel from 3,500 healthcare organizations have completed the program, helping healthcare facilities meet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) requirements for emergency preparedness in a single curriculum. Other more costly courses cover only standards and basic maintenance tasks in a $1,100-plus two-day session. Learn more

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